About My Ness

Soaper and Tinker

TreeStar(ness) is currently a one person operation located in middle Tennessee.

My soap journey began with melt and pour soaps that a friend and I made just for fun. Although our soaps looked and smelled good, I found that the soaps tended to be somehow lacking. After doing some reasearch on soap, I realized that I wanted to be able to control what ingredients were used in my soaps and only use awesomeness.

I originally thought making soap would just be a hobby, but that didn’t last very long. After I started giving my soaps to friends and family members, one of my friends gave me the crazy idea that I might actually be able make a business out of my ness after she sold some bars in her winery. And here we are.

Here at the ness, we are committed to promoting localness and helpfulness, and would love to partner with local farms and gardens to create some great products with locally grown ingredients, like our lavender soaps that are made with organically grown lavender from a farm in Maryville, TN.

Additionally, we want to help shelters and community programs by providing our goodness to those in need.

Let us know if you’d like to make some ness together!